Catholic Speaker

parish missions

  • 1 Night Parish Mission

    The Eucharist is the source and summit of the Catholic faith. Yet so many 'pew-sitting Catholics' struggle to believe in or understand the foundation of Our Blessed Lord's real presence. So many Catholics are oblivious to the powerful ramifications of what the Eucharist can mean in our lives. In cooperation with the USCCB's desire to revive Eucharistic devotion, Nick De La Torre breaks open the profound realities of the Eucharist to inspire a deepened faith in, and passion for the Eucharist.

    - An overview of Eucharistic Biblical Typology and general exegesis

    - The role the Eucharist is meant to play in our relationships with God

    - Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament with music provided by Nick

  • 2 Night Parish Mission

    (Re)Ignite the kind of passion for the Catholic faith that propels mission in your community. Awaken Mission inspires and reinvigorates faith through testimony, teaching, and practical tools - with sources spanning the lives of the Saints, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Sacred Scripture, and personal testimony.

    Night 1: "The Need for & Beauty of Repentance"

    - Reasons to believe

    - Jesus as the Lord of our lives

    - The value and importance of being Catholic

    - The indispensable and life changing power of the Sacraments

    (with an emphasis on the Sacrament of Reconciliation)

    Night 2: "Eucharistic Revival"

    - An overview of Eucharistic Biblical Typology and general exegesis

    - The role the Eucharist is meant to play in our relationships with God

    - Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament with music provided by Nick



  • In our post Christian 21st century society, there is no shortage of philosophies, religions, and schools of thought. As ‘advanced’ as we’ve become, we’ve never been more confused, more lonely, more depressed, more medicated, or felt more meaningless. How do we know what is true? Where do we turn for the answers? If we were created by a good God on purpose and for a purpose, wouldn’t He help? Wouldn’t He reach out to us with answers? Wouldn’t He save us? The answer is yes.

    In Nick De La Torre’s talk, ‘Why Be Catholic,’ discover the beauty, truth, healing, and power found in Jesus Christ and the Church He created as the conduit of His grace with sources spanning the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Sacred Scripture, the lives of the Saints, and personal testimony.

  • One of the least understood and under appreciated parts of the Catholic faith is Mary. Who is she in the cosmic narrative? What does it mean for her to be the Queen of the Universe? What does it mean for her to be our mother? What does a relationship with her look like without accidentally slipping into worship which should be Christ’s alone?


For Men

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